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Sgt. Alan Smitterwick, George Washington's Leftenant (by Dan Barkley)

A Day in the life...
30 May 1765

My family owns a sugar import business in Roanoke, Virginia. Lately, they crown has continually added these horrible taxes on us colonist. In April last year (british library) they started the Sugar tax. Can You Believe It? A tax on everything sugar!! That's what my family does!! How can they? They are a world away! Who are they to tell us what to do!

It's not just me who thinks this way. My fellow Virginians have just passed a resolution saying just as much! (macintosh, 330). I am so proud to be a colonist! I have just heard George Washington, a general in our Virginia militia give a speech about these intolerable acts. As hesitant as I am to lead us to war, I have grown up with it here. First there was the seven years war. Now this. We must be allowed to be free!

1 October 1768

In Boston this week, we have seen some crazy stuff. There was a riot in the streets over the taxation of tea. And now, the British has brought troops in to "quell the colonies." (king george.) How wrong they are! We're going take them down! I have finally become a leftenant to George Washington himself! Who would have guessed 3 years ago that I could do this. My family's business is all but destroyed due to the intolerable acts. So what other choice do I have?
